Barb's Blog

When Your Teen Hates You

Recently, I received an email with the subject line, “I hate you”. Hmmm, I wonder who this could be from? Surprise! It was from my teenager.

Actually, I wasn’t surprised when I saw that email. Thirty minutes before, I told my son that we were considering getting him a tutor...

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Is My Daughter Sad or Depressed?

This can be a tricky one because we often use the word depressed when we are feeling sad. So, we know that sadness is a “normal,” healthy emotion and we want our girls to get comfortable feeling it. We want to encourage them to take a break from doing and allow...

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Helping Our Teen Girls with Perfectionism

Living in a state of perfectionism – the need to strive, perform, achieve – doesn’t feel good. It can lead to increased feelings of sadness, loneliness, anxiety and depression and chronic fear of embarrassment or being overly cautious. This notion of wanting to be perfect can...

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