Girls’ Friendships 101: Breakups, Blow Offs & Rejections


This is a MUST see for anyone guiding a tween/teen girl through adolescence. Friendships can be tricky and learning what to do when relationships take a negative turn is an essential skill every girl needs to learn. You will have all of the answers for your daughters after receiving this video guide.

What you will get from this mini-course:

  • How to help her find her “tribe”
  • Understanding why girls move friend groups and dump each other
  • How to help your daughter if she is the one who has been left or rejected
  • How to teach your daughter to end a friendship in a kind, respectful manner

To know how to respond to every pitfall your daughter may encounter with her tween/teen friendships, check out my FULL COURSE, Girls’ Friendships 101: Everything Parents Need to Knowfor even more information and effective strategies to help your girls.

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